Citrus Poached Spinach

You too will want to enjoy this simple, delicious, and nutritious vegetable course or vegetarian meal.

A winery in Michigan offered something like this as one course of a five course meal. Ever since I have speculated how I might replicate it.

Citrus Poached White Beans and Spinach
Citrus Poached White Beans and Spinach

This sauce works well with fresh salmon instead of the beans.

For the wine, I found a nice Chardonnay that boasted notes of green apples and peaches. My mother taught me that the wine used for cooking must be good enough to drink.


  • 6 ounces white wine
  • 6 ounces orange juice
  • 1 TBSP dill weed, fresh
  • 15 ounces cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
    12 ounces fresh salmon
  • 5 ounces spinach


Heat wine, juice, and dill in a sauce pan to simmer. Add spinach and beans. Gently stir until spinach is wilted (~3 minutes).

If using salmon instead of white bean, simmer the fish in the liquids until it reaches an internal temperature of 135 F. Then fold in the spinach. Continue heating until the salmon reaches 140 F and the spinach is wilted.

In either version this meal may be served with rice with a glass of the white wine used for cooking.



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